My Career

When I was a kid I admired firefighters (and I've always liked fire a little) and wanted to be one as an adult, I also wanted to be an architect, until I found out it involved a lot of math. When applying to university my first choice was always my current career, Visual Arts, but I also considered Graphic Design and the truth is that I still don't rule it out. I decided for Visual Arts because it is what I always wanted, I never doubted it much, I wanted to learn how to draw better, I wanted to learn about art, since my education at school was never very good and it was really a dream, I didn't care if the career was profitable, I have always wanted to do what I like and it fulfills me and become good at it. 

So far my experience in the career has been quite rewarding, although the education in the career is precarious, I think I have been able to form myself as a future art worker and I have learned enough to deliver the best of me. In the near future, I would like to build a popular workshop and be an independent artist. 


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